Showing all 8 results
Categories: Accessories
Great Barrier Pre Filter
Simply connect the Great Barrier Carbon Filter to a garden hose and fill anything with fresh, pure water. Designed to reduce or eliminate a variety of known contaminant
Categories: Accessories
Great Start Pre Filter
Purify the water before filling the spa with the Great Start Filter
Categories: Accessories
Pleatco Pure Start Pre Filter
The Pleatco Pure Start Pool pre-filter eliminates metals, rust and other contaminants before they enter the pool or spa!
Categories: Accessories
Spa Pads (Box of 3)
Your spa needs a good base. Forget the pain and hassle of an expensive poured concrete slab! With Handi-Spa Pads you can have an attractive, handy, durable platform with much less effort, in a fraction of the time. Interlocking Pads The 2″ thick pads interlock to make a great rigid
Categories: Accessories
Stretch Spa Vacuum
Stretch Spa Vacuum The Grit-Gitter Stretch is a longer-reaching, versatile vacuum that allows you to clean without getting into the water. The extender portion can be removed to convert it to the familiar 9″-long Grit-Gitter. You can even customize your reach by replacing the yellow tube with a standard 1″